• PriceRunner reserves the right to take down the advertising material that is causing technical problems for our visitors and refuse advertising material which does not meet the guidelines and specifications listed below.
• Advertising material must be delivered within two working days before the start of the campaign.
• Links should always open in a new window.
• Audio and video may not start automatically. It must be activated by the user (click or mouse-over) and a stop button must be provided.
• Specifications for maximum weight, frame rate and other restrictions must be followed. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by Traffic.
• For requests that don’t meet the guidelines and specifications listed below, please contact traffic.dk@pricerunner.com or your Account Manager.
Mainosta PriceRunner.dk
Lähetä meille tarjouspyyntö ja tiimimme palaa asiaan mahdollisimman pian.
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